As a licensed realtor, I am authorized to assist you in the many aspects of renting, selling or buying.
Temporary lodging, long-term rentals, purchasing a home, property management… If you are wondering what your options are, just ask me!
I manage several properties that are set up for temporary lodging. If you are looking for a temporary place to stay for your TDY or PCS, check out the listings below.
Property Management
Are you a property owner and are interested in setting it up for temporary lodging? Are you currently renting out long-term and need someone local to be the POC? Please contact me for information on my property management packages.
Selling / Buying
Are you in the market to sell or buy? Then it’s important to have someone to guide you through the whole process. I am fluent in German, know how to work the system and have a large network to cover all the necessary fields: financing, insurances, appraisals, notary, contractors for repairs…
I am your competent partner to tackle the buying or selling market with you and I will guide you every step of the way.
German Aid is the way to go. Contact me today: 0049 173 3647569 (iMessage & WhatsApp)
Guten Tag!
Sind Sie Vermieter und möchten Unterstützung bei der Mietersuche, sowie der kompletten Abwicklung mit Housing?
Mietervermittlung für Kurz- oder Langzeitmiete, sowie Property Management — von mir bekommen Sie alles aus einer Hand.
Wenn Sie Ihr Objekt verkaufen möchten, stehe ich Ihnen ebenfalls zur Seite.
German Aid ist das perfekte Bindeglied zwischen Ihnen und Ihren Mietern. Ich beherrsche beide Sprachen perfekt und bin mit beiden Kulturen sehr vertraut, eine echte Deutsch-Amerikanerin, wie man sie selten findet.
Durch mein Netzwerk bin ich auf beiden Seiten stark vertreten und in allen Belangen eine kompetente Ansprechpartnerin.
German Aid ist eine echte Hilfe für Sie. Rufen Sie mich gleich an: 0049 173 3647569
Long-Term Rental
RENTED: All-embracing Home with Sauna & In-law Suite
This single-family home is expansive! With over 3,700 square feet of living space, 6 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms, this home offers an abundance of room for your family and guests to enjoy comfortably.
RENTED: Dreamy KL Apt: Old Charm Meets Modern Living
The home is situated in a quaint, centralized location right across the street from the city park (Stadtpark). Stepping outside, you'll be greeted by a tranquil oasis that transports you far from the streets of Germany to the Upper East Side in New York City, blending sophistication with a touch of tranquility.
RENTED: KL-City Apartment with Unparalleled Views
This stunning one-bedroom, one-bathroom home offers unparalleled city views and is conveniently located near food, entertainment, a train station, and much more.
RENTED: Stunning Free-standing Home with Amazing Views
This stunning free-standing house showcases a modern, bright, and airy design that will capture your heart the moment you step inside. Spread across 4025 sqft of living space, this five-bedroom, three-bathroom house is perfect for anyone who values space and luxury.